Avisynth Script

#Original Script by EvilAsh25
function colorcorrection(clip c)
ChromaShift(C=0, U=-2, V=-2, L=0)6
# Convert back so we are working in the correct colorspace
# Convert to the SD colorspace, the PEXHDCAP captures in the HD colorspace
# ColorMatrix(mode="Rec.709->Rec.601")
# Adjust Gamma to more closely match a CRT TV and clamp the color levels to what the PEXHDCAP captures (16-235)
# Levels(0, 0.85, 255, 16, 235, coring=false)
# Convert the Gamma from the TV spec to the PC spec
# ColorYUV(levels="TV->PC")
# This function is for capturing 240p video
# cx = cropping px from the left side
# cy = cropping px from the top
# cw = width of game, used for cropping right side
# w = final width to size to
# s = amount to sharpen the width
function capture(clip c, float cx, float cy, int cw, int w)
# Separate Fields, this creates 60fps video with half height
# Double the Height to get back to original
PointResize(Width, Height*2)
# Crop and resize
PointResize(cw, 448 , cx, cy, cw, 448)
# Set the width
BicubicResize(w, Height)
# These can be adjusted to your liking, look them up on the Avisynth Wiki
Tweak(sat=1.00, bright=1, cont=1)
Sharpen(0.2, .1)
# This is the main area where you adjust things.
# Generally I copy/paste a new function then adjust cropping for that new game.
# These functions assume the final game height is 448px.
capture(45, 14, 640, 586)